What does the name Gamble mean

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Therefore, while we provide these potential meanings and origins, the exact lineage and history may vary for different families with the surname Gamble. Like many surnames, the specific meaning and origin can vary based on geographical regions and evolution over time.

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In that context, the name Gamble could potentially have evolved as an occupational surname for someone who was a professional gambler. Moreover, it was also quite common in the Middle Ages to adopt a last name that comes from a profession or trade. During the Middle Ages, it was a common practice to refer to a person by a nickname, often relating to personal characteristics, and it is possible that some bearers of the surname Gamble descended from an elder of a village or family. The first recorded spelling of this family name is believed to be that of Ricardus Gambell in the year 1190, according to the 'Pipe Rolls of Yorkshire', England. The last name Gamble is of Old Norse origin and derived from the personal name Gamall which means old. All surnames with 'G' Gamble: What does the surname Gamble mean?

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